Monday, December 7, 2009
Happy New Year! January 2010 Housing Update
FOR SALE: 19 homes, $250Kto $349.9K;
--1 home is 4 bdrms/1 bath
--3 homes are 3bdrm/2 baths
--15 homes are 3bdrm/1 bath
UNDER CONTRACT: 6 homes; 2 homes in Rodgers Choice
--1 home is a 4bdrm/2 bath, $339K
--1 home is a 3bdrm/2bath, $298K
--2 homes are 3bdrm/1 bath,$304.9K and $307K
--2 homes (Rodgers Choice) are 3bdrm/2 bath, $324.9( pot. short sale) and $389K
SOLD: since December 1: 6 homes
--2 homes are 3bdrm/1 bath; actual sold prices: $200K, $307K (EOG), $334.9K(EOG)
--3 homes are 3bdrm/2 bath; actual sold prices: $295K, $298K (EOG), $349.9K (EOG)
--1 home is a 4bdrm/2 bath; actual sold price: $325K
Average Days to put a house under contract: 44days
(Based on days on market of the homes currently under contract.)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Homebuyer Tax Credit Expanded! Plus--New Tax Credit for Existing Home Owners!
President Obama has signed a bill that extends the tax credit for first-time homebuyers (FTHBs) into the first half of 2010. In addition, the extension also opens up opportunities for others who are not buying a home for the first time. To help you understand what the new tax credit details mean to you and your clients, I’ve put together a concise overview of the new tax credit deadline, income caps, and more.
Tax Credit for HomebuyersFirst-Time Homebuyers (FTHBs): First-time homebuyers (that is, people who have not owned a home within the last three years) may be eligible for the tax credit. The credit for FTHBs is 10% of the purchase price of the home, with a maximum available credit of $8,000.Single taxpayers and married couples filing a joint return may qualify for the full tax credit amount.
Current Owners: The tax credit program now gives those who already own a residence some additional reasons to move to a new home. This incentive comes in the form of a tax credit of up to $6,500 for qualified purchasers who have owned and occupied a primary residence for a period of five consecutive years during the last eight years.Single taxpayers and married couples filing a joint return may qualify for the full tax credit amount.
What are the New Deadlines?In order to qualify for the credit, all contracts need to be in effect no later than April 30, 2010 and close no later than June 30, 2010.
Tax Credit Versus Tax Deduction.It’s important to remember that the tax credit is just that… a tax credit. The benefit of a tax credit is that it’s a dollar-for-dollar tax reduction, rather than a reduction in a tax liability that would only save you $1,000 to $1,500 when all was said and done. So, if a first-time homebuyer were to owe $8,000 in income taxes and would qualify for a tax credit of $8,000, she would owe nothing.Better still, the tax credit is refundable, which means the homebuyer can receive a check for the credit if he or she has little income tax liability. For example, if a first-time homebuyer is eligible for a tax credit of $8,000 but is liable for $4,000 in income tax, she can still receive a check for the remaining $4,000!
Maximum Purchase Price Qualifying buyers may purchase a property with a maximum sale price of $800,000.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
November Housing Update
FOR SALE: 16 homes, $249,9K to $344K
--2 homes are 4 bdrms
--4 homes are 3bdrm/2 baths
--10 homes are 3bdrm/1 bath
-- 6 homes are 3bdrm/1 bath $220K to $307K
--3 homes are 3bdrm/2 bath $300K-$349.9K
--1 home is 4bdrm/2 baths $335K
SOLD since October 1: 8 homes
--6 homes are 3bdrm/1 bath; actual sold prices from$265K to $307K (5 w seller contributions)
--1 home is a 3bdrm/2 bath sold for $290K
--1 home is a 5bdrm/4 bath sold for $445K
Average Days to put a house under contract in Rodgers Forge : 32 days!
Based on homes currently under contract.
Note: In the last 4 month period since July 1, 2009, out of 31 homes that have sold:
--1 home sold over asking price
--3 homes sold at the asking price
--18 homes sold within $10,000 of the asking price.
Questions about the market or your home? questions about the first-time homebuyer tax credit extension? Call me or post to my blog.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
October Housing Update
FOR SALE: 22 homes, $259.5K to $359.9K
--13 homes are 3bdrm/1bath
--6 homes are 3bdrm/2 bath
--2 homes are 4bdrm/2 bath
--7 homes are 3bdrm/1 bath $220K-$307K
--3 homes are 3bdrm/1 bath $269.9K-$300K
--1 home is 5 bdrm/4 bath $445K
SOLD since September 1: 4 homes
--2 homes are 3bdrm/1 bath sold price:$263K and $274K
--1 home is 3bdrm/2 bath sold price $267K
--1 home is 4bdrm/2 bath sold price $307K
Average Days to put a house under contract: 53 days
Saturday, September 19, 2009
$8,000 Home Buyer Credit May be Extended
Credit--Luke Mullins, US News and World Report
Rates are Still at All-time Lows
FHA 30 Year Fixed
$175,000 to $417,000
Credit Score 660, 3.5% Down
5.00% & 04.75% & 1.5 points
FHA - Jumbo 30 Year Fixed
$417,001 to $560,000 (Baltimore Metro Area)
Credit Score 660
3.5% Down
5.25% & 5.00% & 1 point
Conforming 30 Year Fixed
$275,000 to $417,000
Score 740
5.00% & 4.75% & 1 point
15 Year Fixed
$275,000 to $417,000
Credit Score 660+
4.375% & 0
Conforming ARMS5/1 Libor Arm
$275,000 to $417,000, 5/2/5 Caps,
Credit Score 740
4.125% & 3.75% & 1 point
Thursday, September 3, 2009
September Housing Update
--15 houses currently for sale from $268.5K -$319.5K. This is less than 1% of the homes in the neighborhood.
--12 are 3bdrms w 1 bath, 3 are 3bdrms w 2 baths.
--8 homes are currently under contract
--It took an average of 43 days for these homes to go under contract.
--7 homes have sold since August 1.
-- 3 were 3 bdrms w closing prices from $267K- $304K
--2 were 4 bdrms w closing prices of $309K-$350K
--1 was a 5bdrm closing at $440K.
The deadline is approaching for the First-Time Homebuyer credit! This is such a deal! $8,000 can be yours if you settle on your first property (within the last 3 years) by DECEMBER 1. Rates are still low, and houses are very affordable! Need more details? Have questions? Write in or feel free to call me.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
July Housing Update
--19 houses currently for sale from $269K -$415K. This is about 1% of the homes in the neighborhood. OF these:
-- 2 are 5bdrms priced from $392.5K-$415K
--1 is a 4bdrm at $307K
--16 are 3bdrms priced from $269K-$319K. Of these only 3 have 2 baths.:
--8 homes are currently under contract--It took an average of 36 days for these homes to go under contract.
--11 homes have sold since July 1.
--Of these 8 were 3 bdrms/2baths w closing prices from $$275K-$320K
--2 were 4 bdrms w closing prices of $330K-$342K
--1 was a 5bdrm closing at $390K.
The Forge continues to see a robust market. Rates are still very good, houses are very affordable and buyers have lots of reasons to buy in this market--especially first time home buyers who can take advantage of the $8,000 tax credit!
Need more details? Have questions? Write in or feel free to call me.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
What a Difference A Makeover Makes!

A few makeover tips for homeowners/ home sellers:
--if it looks tired, it is. Freshen up a room by putting in a new throw rug, or getting a new lampshade.
--check your bedding. Does it have some miles on it? Some fresh colors might make it a whole new room!
--dramatic artwork can really set off a room. Get some cool wrapping paper from a specialty shop and cut it to fit a frame and voila!
--de-clutter! Less is more when showing off your real estate space.
--Plants and flowers are great, but keep them freshly watered so they look plump and fresh.
--the more light the better. Brighten up your lower level with lamps and more lamps.
--For great curb appeal, sharp edging of your lawn along the sidewalk can make all the difference!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Below are some of the houses that will be open for your viewing:
107 Brandon Road--12-2pm
427 Dunkirk Road--12-2pm
132 Stevenson Lane--1-3pm
7212 Lanark Road--12-2pm
7235 Lanark Road--12-2pm
27 Murdock Road--12-2pm
32 Murdock Road--12-2pm
40 Murdock Road--12-2pm
134 Overbrook Road--1-3pm
149 Regester Avenue--12-2pm
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
July Housing Market Update
--22 houses currently for sale from $269K -$430K. This is about 1% of the homes in the neighborhood.
--Of these: 3 are 4bdrms priced from $307K-$369K
--2 are 5bdrms priced from $392.5K-$430K
--3bdrm price range is $269K-$319.9K
--Of the 3bdrms, 11 have 1 bath, 7 have 2 baths
--14 homes are currently under contract
--Average time it takes to put a home under contract is 46 days, but most took less time than that.
--12 homes have sold since June 1.
--Of these 12 were 3 bdrms w closing prices from $$240K-$348K
--2 were 4 bdrms w closing prices of $342K-$410K.
The Forge continues to see a robust market. Rates are still very good, houses are very affordable and buyers have lots of reasons to buy in this market!
Need more details? Have questions? Write in or feel free to call me.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Mortgage Notes--Do you know what HVCC is?

Rates are pretty good...still. Whether it's 5.25% or 5.75% , it's still good! More importantly, you should be aware of the new HVCC policy which can delay your closing or cost you extra money if you switch lenders and are attempting to use the same appraisal.
HVCC stands for home valuation code of conduct. This "code" of conduct was adopted by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as of June 1. Andrew Cuomo from New York did an "end run" around the legislative process and went directly to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to adopt this policy. This is a policy that was introduced in response to the "flipping" of homes that caused a lot of people to lose their homes due to fradulent practices concerning the appraisal process.
In short, mortgage originators may not order their appraisals anymore nor can they even speak to the appraiser regarding value. All appraisals, except on FHA and VA loans, must be ordered through a "management company". This is another layer to the already burdensome process of getting a mortgage. Appraisal fees immediately went from an average of $350.00 to $400.00.
The good news is that the National Association of Realtors and enjoined the lawsuit that the National Association of Mortgage Brokers has initiated and they are calling for an immediate moratorium on the HVCC procedure for the next 18 months. Let's hope that they are successful.
If I can help you with any mortgage questions and how this HVCC may or may not affect your upcoming home purchase or refinance please contact me and I will be happy to help guide you through the process.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Mortgage Rate Update/Monday June 15
Bruce W. Kessler
Mortgage Loan Officer
First Home Mortgage
Great Turn-out for Annual Rodgers Forge Picnic

Monday, June 8, 2009
June Housing Update
--23 properties currently on the market, price range $269.9-$445K
--Of these, 3 are 5bdrm EOGs from $395-$445K
--3 are 4bdrm homes from $317-$349.9
--2 rentals on the market
--14 properties currently under contract, price range $245-$399K
--Average days it takes to put a house under contract: 45
--11 properties sold since May 1, sold price range $213-$350K
Questions, comments? Post them! Or call me anytime.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Mortgage Rate Update
Bruce W. Kessler
Mortgage Loan Officer
First Home Mortgage
Friday, May 29, 2009
Community Yard Sale in June
SATURDAY, June 20, 2009
8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
The residents at Stanmore Road and Stanmore Court are organizing a yard sale. Save the date if you are interested. For more information or if you want to organize one for your block on the same date, contact Cynthia Blind at 410-296-5854 or email -
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tax Credit Update
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
It's Only A Buyer's Market if You Actually Buy!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Dumpster Day A Clean Sweep For Neighbors

Thursday, April 30, 2009
May Housing Update
- 20 properties currently on the market(1% of total homes)
- 5 properties for rent
- Price Range: $229K-$465K
- 13 currently properties under contract
- 41 days on market(average time to go under contract))
- 5 properties sold in April, $270K-$319K
For more details on these sales or housing values, contact me or feel free to post a question.
Monday, April 6, 2009
It's Spring in the Forge! And the Spring Housing Market is Hopping!

As of April 1:
--15 properties for sale
--price range: $229K-$465K
--12 properties under contract(42 avg number of days on market)
--3 properties sold in March
--$270K 3bdrm/1bath
--$283.5K 3bdrm/2 bath
--$328K (w$10K seller contribution) 3bdrm/2 bath
In 2008 from January through April 6 the average price of houses sold in the forge was $285K with an average of 62 days on the market. In 2009 for the same time period, the average price of houses that have sold is $287.5K with an average of 50 days on the market. For more details on these sales or housing values, contact me, or feel free to post a question.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
RF Community Association President Janice Moore Sends a Letter to Delegate Bohanan; Send your Letter to
Monday, March 16, 2009
Over 75 Community Neighbors Attend Towson Master Plan Review--Student Housing Takes Center Stage
"We are willing to deal with the ones {students}we have but we are at maximum capacity," Knollwood resident Terry West said. "There aren't enough beds for these students and we can't handle any more students living in our communities."
Currently, according to University statistics, 85 percent of first-year students live on campus. After gaining junior status, students are no longer guaranteed on-campus housing. Housing issues were clearly the focus of neighbors concerns as residents lined up at the microphone to tell their stories and offer suggestions or solutions until 9:45pm. the meeting began at 6:30pm.
"I saw no surprises on the Master Plan, which is a relief," commented Rodgers Forge Community Association President Janice Moore. "I was encouraged by their willingness to consider using the space in the West Village of the campus reserved for possible faculty and staff housing for student housing. We will be glad to take the faculty and staff in the neighborhood!" While it was encouraging to see Towson representatives so open to suggestions and solutions, the proof will be in the reality that we live out in the community. Unfortunately, our collective experience has been one of disappointment in the University not living up to it's promises and seeing solutions put into place that simply do not have any teeth or staying power. Frankly, the communities do not need more solutions. How about putting substance behind the existing ones? That would be a good first step toward building trust in the surrounding communities.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Zillow Zestimates Are not Always Accurate
"I pondered this recently, as a listing I have coming on the market in Hunt Valley has a Zestimate about $40,000 LESS than the value determined during my true, in-depth market analysis" commented Marney Kirk, Keller William Realtor and real estate blogger. "On the other hand, using their “My Estimator” tool brings the value up to over $110,000 HIGHER than its true value!" According to Marney, the site does not have correct information for Towson because Baltimore County has not provided it to the public about the square footage, number of baths, the fact that it has hardwood floors throughout, a finished basement, and other important details.
As an example, if there is a Rodgers Forge home with the correct value of $300,000, 71% of the time the Zestimate could price the home as low as $240,000. Can you imagine being a seller viewing that info? Or how about a buyer, if it were 20% above? Would you, as a buyer, be happy with paying $360,000 for this home? even recommends getting a comprehensive market analysis from a qualified local real estate agent. To get a free market estimate of your Rodgers Forge home, call me anytime!
Thanks to Marney Kirk from Keller Williams for her excellent information! CLick here to link to the entire article
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
March Update--Rodgers Forge Real Estate Activity
as of March 3, out of approximately 1800 homes:
- 15 homes for sale
- 4 homes for rent
- Sale Price Range: $269,900 -- $369,000
- Rental Range: $1,675-$1,200 per month
- 3 0f 15 homes for sale have been on the market for approx 200 days
- Of the other 12 homes for sale, average days on market: 27
- 6 homes currently under contract--average days on market: 25
- Since January 1, 11 homes have settled, average price $287,000, averaging 60 days on market
Summary: Homes are selling in the Forge and they are selling pretty fast given the economy. Price and condition of the property are driving the contracts.
- If you are thinking of listing and want top dollar: make sure your property is updated and that it sparkles! 2 new or updated bathrooms and an updated kitchen really sell a property. Open kitchens done well, will sell well .
- Price: If your property is not perfect or needs updating and you want to sell quickly, price it competitively, maybe just under the price of comparable houses in the neighborhood and it will sell . This is a buyer's market. Be prepared to negotiate any listed price.
- Questions? Call or email me, or post a comment. If you want a print- out of current listings, solds, and under contracts, I will be glad to email them to you.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
A Good Day of Testimony In Annapolis for HB 693

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Community Impact Bill Needs our Support--Jean Ottey Testifying Today for Rodgers Forge
In support of House Bill 693—USM Designated Growth Institutions—Community Impact Statement
Let me say that Rodgers Forge was very pleased with the outcome of the negotiations to relocate the arena. We were pleased that Towson/Dr. Caret were willing to work with us to come to a mutually agreeable compromise that worked for everyone. Good outcome.
However, the community had to expend a tremendous effort to this end, because Towson had changed their plans without telling anyone. We were blind-sided by the change in the location of the Arena. It is this kind of action without attention to correct process or with any thought to the community that we as a community worry about in the future. Towson can talk about all the community meetings they attend, but this was a big change that went under the radar. We as a community are worried about the next thing that might slip under the radar if we are not standing at attention.
We believe this required impact statement would keep this from happening. We are happy to be vigilant as a community, but we shouldn’t have to stay up nights wondering about the next shoe that is going to drop because Towson University is now a designated growth university—we need this bill so that we know we have a process we can depend on.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Towerlight Article Displays Amazing Narrow-Minded Attitude--RF Will Need to Stay Vigilant
Click on my comment below. Post your own comments!
Signing Ceremony-- Rodgers Forge and TU Commit to Location of Arena and other Concessions--

On Thursday, February 12, Janice Moore, President of the Rodgers Forge Community Association, and Robert Caret, President of Towson University sign a Memorandum of Understanding detailing specific agreements about the location of the new Towson University Arena. Members of the Rodgers Forge Arena Committee are also pictured here at the ceremony. For more info on the agreement see the article on Arena Agreement below.
Stimulus Plan Approves $8,000 Tax Credit for Homebuyers
As part of the Stimulus bill just passed by Congress, if you buy a home this year, you are eligible for an $8,000 tax credit--which can even be advanced as a loan to help with settlement costs. Effective for purchases on or after January 1, 2009 and before December 1, 2009, here are the highlights:
--Maximum tax credit--$8000
--Reduces tax liability for the year of the purchase. Any unused amount of tax credit refunded to purchaser
--First-time homebuyers only (may not have owned a principal residence in 3 years prior to purchase)
--No repayment for purchases during this year
Thursday, February 12, 2009
15 Properties Currently for Sale in RF
--Prices range from $279,000 to $369,000.
--Average days on the market based on the 8 homes currently under contract is under 48 days. 7 of those homes took less than 30 days to sell.
Arena Agreement to be Signed and Sealed Tonight!
Dr. Caret and the Rodgers Forge Community will sign a "Good Neighbor Accord" Memorandum of Understanding in a 10-minute signing ceremony/press conference tonight, 2/12, at 5:30 p.m. at the Towson Center Arena lobby. Residents are encouraged to attend.
The new Arena will be placed on the northwest side of the existing arena, away from the neighborhood, adjacent to the parking area identified as Lot 20. Other concessions that Towson has agreed to include the following:
--Fencing: a buffer zone along the property lines will be created by a fence that will be placed behind the TU Child Care Center and continue west behind the resindences located on the 100 block of Stanmore road. TU will maintain and repair it as needed.
--Landscaping: Two rows of Leyland Cypress and one row of desiduous trees will be planted prior to construction in the same vicinity as the fence to block the view of the campus from the neighborhood.
--Arena Operation: Contruction of the site will only commence between 7am and 7pm on weekdays. Subsequent Arena events will conclude by 9pm on weekdays and by 10pm on weekends. No tailgating will be permitted in the parking areas and green spaces abutting theRodgers Forge community.
--Community Liaison: TU will appojunt a community liaison who will be empowered to cross all departments at TU for the purpose of rectifying concerns of the surrounding communities and will be available and reachable 24 hours a day to address concerns requiring immediate attention.
There will be a Board of Regents meeting tomorrow, Friday 2/13, 11:00am,at the TU Student Union (Chesapeake room) at which time the Memorandum detailed above will be read to the Regents and into the minutes by representatives from Rodgers Forge and the GTCCA, Greater Towson Council of Community Associations, which is the umbrella organization of 30+ Towson neighborhood associations of which Rodgers Forge is also a part.
The community thanks President Caret and Towson University for listening to it's neighbors. We look forward to a continuing dialogue.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Currently out of almost 18oo homes in the neighborhood, there are only 8 homes listed for sale in the multiple list service. Prices range from $282K - $364.9K.
Average sold price in the last 3 months for a 3 bedroom home: $291K
Average list price in the last 3 months for a 3 bedroom home: $298K
This gives you the average price adjustment --about $7,000--from the list price as buyers negotiate prices.
These are just averages--your results could be different.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Baltimore Sun Article about Last Night's Meeting
January 27, 2009
As Towson University President Robert L. Caret began a discussion on the advantages of living near a college community, dozens of residents entered the hall with large signs calling for a halt to a $45 million new arena on the campus. The residents demonstrated at the town hall meeting to which the Greater Towson Committee invited the presidents of Goucher College and Towson University, asking them to discuss resources the schools provide to the community. The presidents and other university officials gave the audience a preview of campus plans, including the $45million arena set for construction next year. The 5,000-seat arena is planned as an addition to the Towson Center building near Osler Drive and has been criticized as intrusive and unnecessary. Opponents have organized into Halt TU Arena Now and are circulating a petition against the project. Caret promised that he would meet with community leaders as soon as possible and said he is willing to consider a different orientation for the addition. "People can trust what I say," Caret said. "I put out facts. And I think we had good dialogue. I'm pleased we're back at the conversation level." Many in the audience said that mistrust is still a major issue. "He cares about the growth of Towson University but not the growth of the community as a whole," said Jean Ottey, who lives in neighboring Rodgers Forge. Mary Gail Hare
Rodgers Forge 4th Graders Go To Middle School
Shuttle to take students to next-door building to ease overcrowding this fall
By Arin Gencer
January 26, 2009
Come fall, fourth-graders at Rodgers Forge Elementary will report to the crowded Towson-area school each morning before heading next door to Dumbarton Middle School.But they won't be going to their new classrooms on foot. Students who both walk and ride to the elementary will make the trip of about one-fifth of a mile to Dumbarton by shuttle bus.The ride should be a quick one - about two minutes down Dumbarton Road, where both schools sit, separated by a playing field. In the afternoon, shuttles will return the children to Rodgers Forge.Susan L. Deise, principal of Rodgers Forge, said safety is one of the primary reasons for the plan, as school officials contemplated how best to get more than 120 children down a busy street.
"We need to have the shuttle to protect all of the things that we have in place at Rodgers Forge," Deise said, such as the schedule, before- and after-school clubs and child care, among other things. Using shuttles helps maximize instruction time, she added.Having all students begin and end their day at Rodgers Forge also reinforces that the fourth-graders are part of the school community, she said."If we begin and end our day [together], there is still that sense of unity," Deise said. Their return at the day's end will also give them time for recess and exchanging library books, she said. And while walking might be nice in the spring, winter and inclement weather is not ideal for such exercise, she said.Towson-area parents received letters this month notifying them that third-graders from overcrowded Rodgers Forge will be moving to Dumbarton for their fourth-grade year. Deise has also provided a detailed Q&A on the move, with more specific information."We have simply run out of enough space to accommodate additional classrooms," she wrote in her letter to school families. Moving fourth grade to Dumbarton is part of a continuing effort to handle the school's climbing enrollment, the letter stated.The move is a temporary measure until the new Towson elementary school is built, Dumbarton Principal Nancy B. Fink explained in her letter to middle school families. The new elementary is expected to open in August 2010.No additional cost is anticipated for the shuttles, said Kara E.B. Calder, schools spokeswoman. The morning buses that bring the children in will likely remain to take the fourth-graders to Dumbarton, she said.Rodgers Forge had 709 students as of Sept. 30 and was nearly 80 percent over its capacity, according to the school system's latest enrollment report. That figure has climbed to 714, and counting, Deise said in a recent interview. Projections for next year indicate as many as 765 students, she said.Meetings for parents and residents are scheduled for 7 p.m. today at Rodgers Forge and Feb. 2 at Dumbarton.
Copyright © 2009, The Baltimore Sun
Monday, January 26, 2009
Rodgers Forge Meets President Caret
The tone for the meeting was set when Janice Moore, President of the Rodgers Forge Community Association got up at the Towson Town Hall Meeting at Minnegan Stadium and actually introduced herself to President Caret saying, "I have never met you before." Even though we have unhappily been wrestling over community issues with you for how long? Yet, you President Caret, have never met the President of our community association. We know you're busy, but now that you have met, we hope you will be true to your word and halt all activity on the new Arena (it may be only an addition, as you call it, but lest semantics muddy the waters, it is still a big brand new, first class Arena that will be attached to the existing Towson Center which is presently slated to be deposited in the backyard of Stanmore Road) until you have met with the community directly to begin a dialogue to promote what is good for the entire community at large, and not what is only good for the university at the expense of the rest of the community.
We await with great anticipation a phone call from your office giving us the time and place of this meeting which you promised would be held either Friday (1/30) or Monday (2/2). We look forward to working with Towson University so that you can demonstrate your willingness to work with the community for a solution that both forwards the university's progress and supports our mission to promote a vibrant family neighborhood with strong home values not threatened by university encroachment. Our goal is to continue to maintain a high quality of life in the neighborhood that is enhanced by having the University as our neighbor--not hindered by it, or even crippled by it.
We are hoping that President Caret will take steps to personally rebuild the trust that has been eroded by the university's seemingly deliberate lack of communication and lack of concern for the community they exist in and exist to serve.
More to come----
Rodgers Forge Residents Fight TU Arena
Some 250 Rodgers Forge residents attended a meeting last Wednesday evening to confront Towson University about the new arena that is slated to be built virtually in the backyard of Stanmore Road, a very important boundary for our neighborhood.
Residents wore red and carried a red banner: "Halt TU Arena Now". The meeting was widely covered by the print and broadcast media. The residents, the Rodgers Forge Board, and other concerned citizens did a good job of articulating the concerns of the neighborhood which include the following:
- Without informing the neighborhood TU changed the scope and location of the Arena from the 2003 Master Plan
- Property values will be in jeopardy due to industrial noise, safety issues and inherent parking problems that will ensue from basket ball games and concerts of some 6000 students
- Neighbors on Stanmore believe their quality of life will be greatly diminshed
Neighbors are collectively calling for a HALT to all plans for the new arena until a forum can be called in which the community is invited to sit at the table and work together with the university to agree on a plan that is in the best interest of the entire community.